BlogSelf-study3 Characteristics Students need to Pass the OSSLT

3 Characteristics Students need to Pass the OSSLT

The OSSLT is an examination that must be taken by students in the Ontario province in either grades 10 or 11. The exam itself is a 2.5 hour exam designed to see if students are up to the required level of literacy in order to graduate.

The OSSLT (or the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) exam is a pass or fail grade – and there are a few techniques that will help students to take on the OSSLT, and to help them to pass it. This post will break down different techniques for students to work on in order to magnify positive characteristics for taking, and passing, the OSSLT examination.

This is important as students are required a passing grade in the OSSLT in order to graduate from secondary school in Ontario. If a student does not pass the OSSLT twice, they are permitted to take a course that will allow them the credits to graduate. 

Ideal Characteristics to Pass the OSSLT

In order to pass the OSSLT, students need to work on some particular characteristics. This will help those taking the test to maximize their chances of passing the exam. 

  • Motivation 

Motivation is an incredibly important aspect of ensuring that students do well in their exams. It’s well documented that people across all walks of life perform better in tasks that they are more motivated for. This is because an increased level of motivation in tasks creates increased interest and energy levels, which in turn increases the levels of motivation. 

A higher level of motivation also sees a more consistent schedule in studying and practicing for the exams. When a student is better prepared for an examination, it improves their confidence and their ability to do well on the exam. 

How Can I Increase My Motivation?

Increasing your motivation can be as simple as readjusting the type of push notifications that your phone shows you. If you are constantly being distracted by the push notifications from your social media, then it is likely to benefit you to adjust your apps to stop the notifications. 

Alternatively, if you are constantly distracting yourself with your phone, you could also choose a studying app, especially one that has push notification settings. A great example of this for the OSSLT is the Litguide app. The Litguide app allows users to take advantage of push notifications in order to establish a routine or a habit with studying.

The Litguide app also offers an offline mode which can be beneficial both for mobility, but also for those who find it easier to study without distractions. Both of these features help students on their way to passing the OSSLT examinations. 

If a studying routine can be established by using push notifications then an improved level of motivation and discipline is all but inevitable. 

  • Improving Discipline 

Some great tips for improving your self discipline is to make it into a habit. In order to make something into a proper habit you must put your head down and just work to it until you are used to it. You can do this with push notifications or by working on your intrinsic/extrinsic motivation. 

Intrinsic motivation: Completing a task for yourself and your personal satisfaction. 

Extrinsic motivation: Completing a task for external rewards. Can include grades. 

Another tip for improving your self discipline by maintaining sight of your goals and setting small, achievable goals. This could be studying for 10 minutes and then taking a break, or rewarding yourself at the end of a study session. The Litguide app offers workbooks, practice exams and essential learning broken down into easy categories. 

Using the LitGuide app, learners can pace themselves more efficiently. For example: taking a break after finishing a workbook or an online lesson. 

  • Ability to identify implicit and explicit content 

One of the major aspects of the OSSLT is understanding the differences between implicit and explicit content. This is an important part of the exam and being able to identify the differences will ensure that students are in a more favourable position for passing the OSSLT exam. 

Explicit: Explicit means information that has been clearly stated. Explicitly stated information leaves no room for confusion or doubt. 

For example: “Under no circumstances should you go outside” is explicitly stated information. 

Implicit: Implicitly stated information is information that is implied but not directly stated. 

For Example: Giving someone a dirty look as they do something you don’t like. 

A good way to improve the ability to identify the differences between this type of information is to practice. Particularly in the case of studying for the OSSLT, practice makes perfect. One of the best tools for practicing for the OSSLT is the Litguide app, as it offers automatic feedback to users.

Closing Thoughts…

As students prepare for the OSSLT examinations they must also work on the skills necessary for passing. This includes (but is by no means limited to) working on their sources of motivation (both intrinsic and extrinsic), discipline, and skills more specific to passing the OSSLT: such as the ability to identify explicit and implicit information. 

Passing the OSSLT is an important milestone for all students in the Ontario province. Working on the above characteristics will make a passing grade more likely the first time around – benefitting the student in their journey to graduation. 

Download the Litguide app today to start your journey to passing the OSSLT exam.