BlogOnline EducationBring Back Grade 13?

Bring Back Grade 13?

Learning From Home Hasn’t Been Easy

Ever since the start of this COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, teachers and students alike have been forced to adapt. Online courses and live video classroom calls are a big change to what many secondary teachers and students are used to. Many students are finding it difficult to stay focused and log on for classes. Teachers are lucky if 50% of their students are logged into the classroom video conferencing calls and following along with their lessons. It’s not a productive environment that is sustainable for learning in the long run.

Students Checked Out For The Year

After it was released that a student’s grade on their report card couldn’t be lowered after March 13, many students stopped caring and checked out for the year. With no incentive to study hard, these students simply lost interest in their classes. As a result, there will be plenty of students who have fallen behind and lack the necessary skills to continue to the next grade.

Grade 13 A Possible Option

Trying to bring all the students who have fallen behind up to speed on their learning is no easy task. Starting next semester, teachers will find it increasingly difficult to make sure their students are ready to build on the knowledge they should have learned from the previous year. Instead of playing keep up, bringing back grade 13 is a viable option that could pay off in the long run. This gives students an extra year to complete all the necessary courses and ensure that they are prepared for post-secondary studies.

Students will not be excited for the return of grade 13, but having that extra year may be essential for long-term success.

See more about bringing back grade 13 in the following link: