BlogSelf-studyEvery High School Student Should Be Using This OSSLT Study App

Every High School Student Should Be Using This OSSLT Study App

Litguide is your One-Stop App for all of your OSSLT Preparation Needs

What better way to prepare for the OSSLT than using a professional app designed by English experts? This app has it all from a review of the essential skills needed for the exam, a workbook to test your abilities and practice exams to see if you are ready to ace the real OSSLT.

Take Control of your Learning

Students today want to take control of their learning and be in the driver seat when it comes to how they study. One of the major advantages of self-study is that a student can learn at their own speed and decide to take more time on a certain subject if needed. This is where Litguide can help and be the perfect tool for a Grade 9 or 10 student looking to prepare for the OSSLT. While using Litguide, a student has a wide array of study options at their fingertips.

Disadvantages of Classroom Preparation

Often there is not enough time dedicated towards preparing high school students for the OSSLT in the classroom. Some students feel like they are not prepared enough or too shy to ask their teacher questions and embarrass themselves in front of the class. An online app doesn’t pose those problems and instead, offers a way for students to study without fear of embarrassment.

Extra Help to Supplement In-Class Study

Additionally, students may need extra help to supplement their OSSLT preparation. Questions could arise in class and the student is still confused about how to answer some questions. In the comfort of their own home, they can work through these problems on the app and even have the guidance of a professional tutor to improve their skills. One of the most difficult parts of the exam is the writing section, which is why Litguide provides tutors to check your work and provide you with feedback. Instead of waiting a week to hear back from your teacher, Litguide offers you detailed and quick feedback that you can benefit from right away.

Boost Your Confidence!

After going over the essential skills and workbook practice, students will feel much more confident about their literacy abilities. You can take the practice exams as many times as you like depending on which areas you need the most assistance with. Any high school student studying for the OSSLT will quickly realize the benefits of this app, so don’t miss out and join today!