BlogTipsTest Anxiety and How To Handle It

Test Anxiety and How To Handle It

Feeling nervous before a test is an emotion that affects almost every test taker. But sometimes these nerves can be so overwhelming that they cause headaches, nausea, racing thoughts – or even a racing heartbeat. These circumstances can affect many months of hard work and dedication and although test anxiety can’t always be avoided, there are some ways to alleviate the stressors of test taking.

Prepare yourself. The more confident you feel about the content, the easier it will be for you to answer any question given to you. If you are unsure about a concept, take the time to research what it means. This may seem daunting but it will pay off on the day of the test. Find a strategy that works best for you; note-taking, saying the content out loud, doodling or creating a brainstorm chart.

Rest up! It’s often easy to get caught cramming for a test the night before but without proper sleep your brain won’t be able to function at it’s highest capability. Also if you rest well, you will be able to make time for the next tip below…food!

Eat Well & Hydrate the morning of the test. You may want to rush out of your home so that you aren’t late to take your test but our bodies need fuel to function. Without fuel it will be harder for you to think during your test, especially if it is a difficult question.

Positive Self-Talk. What ever the outcome of your test is, not  hing is worse than doubting your capabilities. You may be your biggest critic, but you can also be your biggest fan. Remember that you are your only competition and if you’ve taken the time to follow the steps above then you have done as much as you can to do well.

Remember that tests don’t define you as a student or a human being. Do the best you can with what you have.